Friday, 2 March 2012

so cool

japanese artist iori tomita transforms the scientific technique of preserving and dying organism specimens 
into an art form with his series, 'shinsekai [toumei hyouhon]' ('new world transparent specimens').

Thursday, 1 March 2012

theme diddly emes


feel this is gonna play an important part in DP3.
all the interior design portfolios ive found my way to are pretty empty. very tiny within the screeen, a fixed pocket of not even 960 by 960. They stay sat in the center of the screen and rely heavily on imagery and jquery galleries. Ive gotta have word with my half client half pal to see how she wants her work set out - plastered everywhere, or in a slightly more reserved format.

Either way..typography clean cut graphics, simple colours, neutral bright feautre colours and textures, high contrast, geometric shapes is what im  thinking.
gotta have a word to with jslice to see if shes up for this, or if shes got any ideas maybe on a softer feel. very much behind and very much into the planning stages.

1. find out what information is a must have for desktop
3.using vital info design mobilized that continues theme from desktop/branding