If you've been lucky enough to get that fateful facebook message from me, can u send us a bit of feedback for my presentation so I've got somethin th chat on about.
Ignore all the spelling mistakes and grammatical errors in my blog, and don't be worried, no point in reading it all. Jus maybe have a quick look at the the three projects :
The 3d animation, which is right at the bottom, and very small but click on it to go to youtube to see a bigger version, or follow this link
The 1shot film, group edit and individual edit.
And the Interactive space thing, which u can find on www.makingnewmaps.com by clickin on a fucked up version of my face, haha.
Any comments would be ace, something i can repeat to my tutors even better tho.
kinda things like:
What you liked about it and
What you hated about it, and please be right honest about this, cos I know I could've made it better, and I'm not best pleased on having to show it all to you people yet. So as many harsh comments WITH REASON, haha and criticisms as possible please.
Maybe what you would do to improve it, whether it seems amateur, whether it flows, makes sense, is interesting.