Monday, 6 December 2010

Bitta help and feedback

If you've been lucky enough to get that fateful facebook message from me, can u send us a bit of feedback for my presentation so I've got somethin th chat on about.

Ignore all the spelling mistakes and grammatical errors in my blog, and don't be worried, no point in reading it all. Jus maybe have a quick look at the the three projects :

The 3d animation, which is right at the bottom, and very small but click on it to go to youtube to see a bigger version, or follow this link

The 1shot film, group edit and individual edit.

And the Interactive space thing, which u can find on by clickin on a fucked up version of my face, haha.

Any comments would be ace, something i can repeat to my tutors even better tho.

kinda things like:

What you liked about it and 

What you hated about it, and please be right honest about this, cos I know I could've made it better, and I'm not best pleased on having to show it all  to you people yet. So as many harsh comments WITH REASON, haha and criticisms as possible please.

Maybe what you would do to improve it, whether it seems amateur, whether it flows, makes sense, is interesting.


Thursday, 2 December 2010

Interactive space jargon

Interactive space was amazing ! Thanks to years spent on myspace the html part came naturally; nothing to moan about at all.
I think if I was to redo it id defeintely change the aesthetics, as soon as you’ve had a nose around it becomes obvious which scenes were made first and which were a 6 in the morning jobby, on the technical side of it, I’d wanna investigate sounds on the mouseover, and perhaps a more developed story, more characters and interaction. I think the reason I loved this so much was cos im about dedicated to getting in to kids. Haha
As in Cbeebies CBBC, originally fancied myself as an illustrator, but maybe multimedia will sort me out with a new pathway thatll get me buzzin. Had a chat with the course leader and I think I’m sorted in the way I’m going to orienteer my portfolio, perhaps land an internship at Cbeebies or something, been done before. I know this is gonna be a right effort when it comes to group work in moving image, but it’ll still be worthwhile having a mess around at different, more adult genres.
I think I bit off a serious amount more than I could chew, I wanted to make it a kinda story book, but ive let myself down timewise, probs due to numerous s trips galavantin home to see everyone; something I’m gonna be sad about changing.
Before I started I had a quick look on, before setting out to do something arty, back to the old school back to my roots haha.

This is some work by  mate of mine at a different uni doing graphic design, I think its ace, and it enthused me more to do a mix of 2d and 3d elements, with a few hand drawn bits incorporated.

I used a kind of spidery diagram to make the story up, id decided on the setting first, not sure if that’s a bit of a reverse order, but heres my thinking.

I wanted to start over again during the Christmas holidays, but cos I didn’t have anywhere permanently to stay after leaving the flat I was at before uni, I didn’t really have anywhere to sit down and attack it, so its going to have to be something I think about later on, maybe over summer when ive all the time in the world to laze around. Hopefully ill be a bit more clued up technically n all by then, ive downloaded every tiny chunk of html info I can find on the now.

I’ve had a quick peek at some of the others blogs, and it turns out we were supposed to upload a short sequence of a few images, in preparation for the final html project, I didn’t but here’s the first link from my actual piece.

sposed to be chillin in a park, having a gander at the weird question mark, leading to feeding the ducks

If you want t see the final thing, check out the making new
maps site ive put somewhere up there, if u can find it in my ramblings, find my picture, it’s the one of the child catcher. You’ll be sorted.