Wednesday 3 November 2010

Rookie One Shot; practice


Haha if I was moaning about animation, im well and truly out the comfort zone with this stuff.

I think im supposed to write about genre, influences, and technical devices weve used in this video, but to be fair we jus pushed a boy in a bush through lack of other ideas. I didn’t even contribute massively.

The composition of the film isn't too bad, thanks to dan; not too much light messing up the aperture of the camera, I like how much of a joke this is, so easy to do; we didn't need to mess about with lighting or anything, which is greaaaat cos I'm a complete joke to filming and cameras and lighting and everything. Utterly virgin to it all.

Tomorrow we start the filming of the final One shot which must last three minutes, our teams pathetic, we have no idea. Ive been really trying but I have never had anything to do with film before ! im normally sound for ideas, the one thing I do have, so when ive finished this, im going to look at some existing short one shot films for abit of inspiration, if youre lucky ill post them.hold your breath.

1 comment:

  1. i think the guy dancing is doing a joob job. he looks nice and jolly. i like the suspence as you dont really no whats going to happen. tho i think you should have a different ending, mmm i duno? maybe consider differnt ways of him ending in the push, differnt camera angles ? so you see differnt short snippets from different angels or close ups. like of the guy walking past.. of his face as he turns back round and then at the guys feet dancing away. i dunnno?
