Monday, 19 November 2012



turns out despite the inital excitement, tisnt a parralax thats gonna save me.

to get the information of products displayed I was looking into combining the pan and zoom and the parallax (both can be seen if you scroll back a few posts or search client labels)  My thoughts were reckoning it'd be anice clean minimalist way of displaying information, thatd be pretty interesting and add to the overall feel of the journey.
but me plans were foiled.

the parallax is made up of 4 different layers containing divs, containing the circular image, i assigned the zoomTarget class to each of the layers, but because of the way I was trying to use the parallax, the browser could only read through to one of the layers, the bottom one, rendering the first 3 pointless, and use of the last one pretty painful.
I adda surger session with David this morning where we shpent a considerable amount of time reading back through tutorials i'd used to jig them around and get it working, before the realization hit that this wasney the way to do it.
David helped me with a load of java'rejigging in the source document, before a discussion took place in search of a batter more efficient solution.

positive results though, after more thought the pan and zoom is probably a ridicolous notion ( as a design choice, i reckon theres gonna be a better way of doing it), terribly unefficient in actually displaying the information, and a load more hassle than its worth. Tonights going to spent coding the shell and design of my site, before tomorrow another surgery session will get me back on the way to creating the galaxy using jquery and copious amounts of Davids time.

over and out

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